Saturday, 11 October 2008


Taking his inspiration from readymade pioneers such as Marcell Duchamps, the late Ian Skoyles was created his works of art using nothing but random jigsaws he had collected from car boot sales and junk shops. The painstaking work of collecting the jigsaw involved years of finding the right colour and shape to fit into his remade jigsaws. Asked if he would consider commision work, Skoyles responded "I suppose I could, but they might be waiting for years! Central to the process is chance. I am shifting pieces between puzzles and that depends on which puzzles I can make a comparison with. To an extent the work is dictated by the material. I spend a lot of time researching in second hand shops to find the right jigsaws".

His main objective having developed his original style was to create works using 3d images on the jigsaw. But, unfortunately, Ian Skoyles died last year after battling against cancer. His work has been shown in many galleries over the years, including Manchester's Lowry Centre, and will prove to be a huge inspiration to others to carry on with his work for many years to come.


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