Sunday, 19 October 2008


Special Ten is a magazine sold as a DVD in art shops such as Magma in Manchester and Borders. The website has a really simple, bold and fresh design using the colours grey, white and orange giving it an industrial feel which real works with the idea that it is DVD based. 
Having a magazine on a DVD is a forward thinking idea and is something that we may see happen more often now that we are more concerned about the environment. Printing thousands of magazines and using millions of trees doesn't seem as justified anymore now that Special Ten have created this stunning addition to the publishing world. You could argue many more benefits, such as a higher quality format can be produced on DVD than on paper, it's more economical in today's credit crunching world and it's also unique. 
Don't worry, you do still get the lovely experience of holding a magazine. You get the cover with information of what features on the DVD in the form of a magazine, but with a DVD tucked neatly inside. 

This forward thinking magazine will most deffinatley influence other publishing companies at some point in the future. It's another way to produce a magazine independently like Bearded magazine, but in a more economical way. 

Click here for the magazine website 

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