Sunday 19 October 2008


The Don't Panic promotion packs can be found around London and Manchester in most trendy shops and bars. They are free and catch your eye amongst all the other flyers as they are large, brown and are full of surprises. Made of brown package paper, they remind me of a little parcel you would get in the post in the second world war. Or maybe a bit more chic than that, due to the quirky designs printed on the front, designed by the public who enter their designs on the website.
Inside the pack you get an A2 full colour double sided poster, also designed by an aspiring artiste that has visited the site. More often than not, along with a load of aesthetically pleasing flyers about events and music, you get a packet of chewing gum, a pack of Rizzlas or sometimes even a bouncy ball! 
All advertising of course, Don't Panic must be being paid a fortune by these advertisers, so no wonder the packs are free .A good and tidy idea though to get lots of flyers into the palm of one persons hand, which will more often than not end up lying about the house somewhere, ambiently marketing itself. 
The website is a good place to go for inspiration to see what other artists are getting up to, and anyone can enter their monthly competitions and take their own spin on the the idea of 'Don't Panic'.

Click here for the website...

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